At the June 25, 2019 Board Meeting, the Directors of The Staten Island Foundation approved grants to organizations seeking the following results:
Increases in the number of youth that demonstrate their leadership skills at school or in the community and improve their academic performance
- Muslim Sisters of Staten Island: $5,000 – for the 2020 Summer Camp
Increases in the number of youth that obtain a high school diploma, HSE or vocational credential
- African Refuge: $60,000 – for the Opportunity Youth and Young Entrepreneur Program
Increases in the number of parents that are actively involved in supporting their child’s educational success
- Literacy, Inc.: $50,000 – for the North Shore Reads Program
Increases in the number of youth that demonstrate leadership and improve their academic performance
- Center for Systems Awareness: $50,000 – for Certification for Compassionate Systems Master Practioners
Arts & Culture
Increases in the number of individuals participating in Staten Island art and culture offerings
- WNET: $125,000- for Treasures of New York: Snug Harbor
Improvements in effectiveness and efficiency of arts organizations that leads to their enhanced sustainability
- Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden: $60,000 – for Education & Visitor Services Stabilization in a Post-COVID-19 World
- Staten Island Historical Society: $60,000 – for COVID-19 Emergency Relief
- Staten Island Arts: $65,000 – for a Stronger Core for the Future of a 21st Century Arts Council
- St. George Theatre Restoration: 50,000 – for COVID-19 Emergency Funding
Improvements in organizations that lead to improved delivery of community health services
- Staten Island Partnership for Community Wellness: $150,000 – for Harnessing the Power of CI to Address Emerging COVID-19 Issues
- On Your Mark: $60,000- for COVID-19 Relief Funding
Community Service
Increases in the number of residents, particularly youth, that demonstrate leadership in the community
- Staten Island Urban Center: $20,000 – for the Post COVID-19 Leadership Program
Increases in the availability and use of social services to stabilize the lives of at-risk individuals and families
- Safe Horizon, Inc.: $50,000 – for the Safe Way Forward Program
- The New York Foundling: $50,000 – for the Healthy Families Initiative
- Partnership with Children: $50,000 – for Integrated Support Services for IS 49
- Lifestyles for the Disabled: $60,000 – for needed revenue support due to the COVID-19 Program Shutdown
Increases in residents living in poverty to receive basic services and connect to other resources
- City Harvest: $50,000 – for Mobile Markets in Staten Island (Stapleton and Mariners Harbor)
- Make the Road New York: $40,000 – for the COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund
Increases in the number of Staten Island residents getting and keeping jobs at a level that meets their employment goals
- JobsFirstNYC: $50,000 – for the Youth Workforce Initiative Network of Staten Island (WINS)