At the June 21, 2022 Board Meeting, the Directors of The Staten Island Foundation approved grants to organizations seeking the following results:
Community Services
Increase in residents, particularly youth, that demonstrate leadership in the community
NYU Silver School of Social Work: $75,000 – Adaptive Leadership Lab to strengthen the capacity of Staten Island’s Social Work community to tackle challenges in their work
Improvements in human services or community-based service organizations’ or schools’ effectiveness and efficiency that lead to improved results for those they serve
The GRACE Foundation of NY: $50,000 – To create another studio in their building for expanded programming to serve more participants
Candid: $5,000 – To strengthen under-resourced Staten Island nonprofits and advance knowledge about philanthropy
Increases in availability of social services to stabilize lives of at-risk individuals and families
The New York Foundling: $50,000 – To help retain and train qualified staff while contributing to the sustainability of Healthy Families services
Increases in the number of youth that obtain a high school diploma, HSE, or vocational credential
Jewish Community Center of SI: $40,000- NYC Digital Media Center fees for instructors and other project costs to provide training in digital media for 13 High School students
African Refuge: $70,000 – Staffing and administrative support for Youth Opportunity and Young Entrepreneur programs
Increases in the number of youth that demonstrate leadership and improve their academic performance
NYC Department of Education District 31: $85,000 – To provide administrators and students from local high schools and intermediate schools with a foundation in Systems Thinking concepts in order to understand and respond to the interconnected systemic challenges in the local education system
Increases in number of residents that increase their level of daily physical activity and/or improve their diet with nutritious foods
Moore Catholic High School: $10,000 – Equipment to outfit an exercise and wellness center
Arts & Culture
Increases in the number of schools and community organizations that offer strong arts education
NYLaughs: $5,000 – Comedy business educational series at St.George NYPL designed to promote inclusion
Increases in diversity, equity, and inclusion in our area’s existing arts & culture offerings
The College of Staten Island Foundation on behalf of the Willowbrook Legacy Project: $25,000- Support of the Willowbrook Legacy Project to add two station markers and support associated forums
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP): $5,000- Support for Staten Island Juneteenth 2022
Friends Who Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Organization: $5,000 – Support for Staten Island Juneteenth 2022
Improvements in arts organizations that leads to their enhanced sustainability
New York Landmarks Conservancy: $50,000 – To make the Olmstead-Beil House safer and more functional to allow for additional preservation work